Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Hair & Skin 911: Organic Oils Does a Body Good

We all search for cures of the things that ail our hair and skin. During life’s journey there are natural body disasters that life imposes on our bodies such as stress, eczema, dandruff and the list goes on and on.  As we age our skin begins to stretch and blemishes began to appear. Let’s discuss a few organic oils that are heaven’s little cure all for our hair and skin.

Olive Oil is vegetable based oil that is derived from olives usually originated off the Mediterranean coast of Greece. It is widely used in hair and body products as a moisturizer, exfoliate, and a key source of protein for our skin. Olive Oil is a great source of vitamins A, D, K, and E which makes it essential in fighting skin disorders such as psoriasis and acne. It is a well known and widely used home remedy for dry skin repair.

Coconut Oil is a personal favorite and great moisturizer for your skin. It comes in pressed and processed form and both can be used for your skin and hair. It is anti-microbial which makes it perfect to treat skin conditions that are caused by fungi and bacteria. Coconut Oil helps soothe itchiness and dryness as well as smooth blemishes left by acne. It is soft and smooth’s easily and leaves skin satiny to the touch. You can also use it as a conditioner after your wash your hair, which leaves a pleasant and delicious scent.

Grape seed Oil is pressed from the seeds of grapes and is commonly used in cosmetics. It is light and thin but high in lipids. This oil works excellent in a daily acne treatments because it is very light and does not clog your pores. It has antioxidant and inflammatory properties. One of grape seed oil’s best properties are that is an astringent which is useful in skin toning and tightening.

Castor Oil was one of my grandmother’s favorite oils. I would call this oil nature’s Robitussin. Castor Oil can be used on skin, hair, and for medicinal purposes. She has used it as a moisturizer on our skin and often times on our hair to help treat dry scalp and split ends. It does not have the most pleasant taste or smell but it works wonders. It also commonly used in lip balm and lipsticks to help moisturize your lips and increase shelf life.

Soybean and Macadamia Oil are both great moisturizers. I would like to first say that if you are allergic to peanuts I would not suggest you using macadamia oil. Soybean oil reduces blotchiness in skin appearance, evens skin tone, and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.  It also is not irritating,  so it is excellent for people who have sensitive skin.  Macadamia Oil is derived from the macadamia nut and is an emollient. It can be used alone as a natural alternative to skin care products. It has a delightful smell but very light, perfect for an individual that does not like heavily scented cosmetic products.

There are a lot of other natural and organic oils that are used in skin and hair products. Make sure when you purchase these oils they are raw or unprocessed with no additive ingredients. Remember knowledge is power, and the more you know the better you can care for your hair and skin.